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9821 days

thump thump

the chill of anxiety crawls all over my skin

i lie here waiting

unable to sleep for the thousandth time

i'm thinking of you

who are you?
your silhouette is something i've imagined to be from a movie
the face that you carry rivaling a lap as it lights up my life

all i know is darkness


talking to my therapist i realized how much i could resent you

where were you?
those nights i went through

my being being swallowed and spit out

the hollows in my eyes becoming even barer

in my life i needed you

i didn't know i needed you

until now

now, i understand when, how and why
i resent you for taking so long

there's all this built up within me that i have to figure out


everyday i work through that

each moment i'm in your presence i do what i can

i don't want to hurt you

you deserve the best

so as i laid there i thought

what is your name

i would give anything to hear your name

i knew it

to see and understand whom i was waiting for


26 years,10 months, 19 days

did you ever think of me?
as i thought of you?
curious, had you ever felt my love

since i was a teenager the idea of you never escaped my mind

before you

i knew nothing

my life was a mix of calamity and humor

lying awake each night


how could you do this

where could you be

if i had known you life would be simple
the things i've witnessed

put me on the stand

allow me to testify

for all those star-crossed lovers that they never see the same 


i resent you for that


i have

waking up the other day i thought about you

now that i have a feeling

i thought about these sleepless nights as i began to draw your face in my mind

322 months, 19 days

my therapist asked me what i'm afraid of

i'm afraid of losing you when i find you

i'm so scared of you leaving and knowing me

my world

my life

left at the same time

my therapist asks me if i want to get married and what that looks like

i open my teenage mind and speak of magic and wonder

the dreams i've spent hours avoiding anything else so i can live in those thoughts

surprise you

i'd love to

catch you so off guard you don't know which emotion to feel


feel everything

i know i want to get that opportunity

how i thought of it

take my dreams

recreate everything i thought would be

i still am curious

what's your name?

i know your name now

each night i bear nightmares of me being without you

my mind has known about you for so long

it doesn't want to lose you

1403 weeks

i find it funny that my therapist, friends and family tell me i'm awful at one thing


i can't sit still


need results now

i disagree with all of them

all of you

patience isn't my worst virtue or trait

i tell myself it's my best

whomever you are

the woman i dream about

my dear love

you and only you

should know i did resent you

i did

you weren't there

past tense

but now

now you are here

i get to wake up beside you every day

i love you in all the ways i have dreamt

i understand

the idea that

i resented you because i didn't know you

now that you're here

i get it

i had to go through that pain

those nights

all the tears

to do one thing

prepare me to love you

it's you

Samantha Marie

it's always been you

235,704 hours

14,142,240 minutes

848,534,400 seconds

i've been prepared for you

the face i always wanted to see is yours

it's your silhouette that I imagined

you light up the room i'm in

my heart is on fire when i see you

when i kiss you

i could collapse

my pain led me here

my suffering allows me to love you deeper


don't ever tell me i'm bad at the p-word


i have been patient

i've waited my whole life for you, Samantha

now that you're here

i want nothing else than to be with you

your laugh

your smile

your brain

your kids

i want them all

patience isn't something i am bad at

it's run out

i spent my life being patient for you

that patience kept me sane

gave me hope

so now i can look you in the face

and tell you that

it's you

i love you

i've loved you before i knew you


time well spent

3/9/1992 > 1/28/2019 the moment you walked into that classroom my patience ran out

i want to spend my life with you

now that i know who you are

i'm in love with you

thank you for taking your time so i could be ready for you


Patience: Story

The Road Traveled To Bring U To Me
MI > MO > IA > MO > KS > MO > CO > IL (coming soon)

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